Python autogui, auto message sender script code py autogui

Python autogui, auto message sender script code py autogui

Python autogui, auto message sender script code py autogui



1. Install Python latest version on your pc

  • How to install python on pc?

  • To install Python on your computer, follow these steps:

  • 1. Visit the official Python website: Go to in your web browser.

    2. Download the Python installer: Click on the "Downloads" tab and choose the appropriate
    installer for your operating system. If you're using Windows, select the latest stable
    version of Python (e.g., Python 3.9.6) for Windows. For macOS, choose the macOS
    installer. If you're using Linux, you may already have Python pre-installed, but you can
    download the source code and compile it manually if needed.

    3. Run the installer: Once the installer is downloaded, open the file and run it. On Windows,
    make sure to check the box that says "Add Python to PATH" during the installation

    4. Customize the installation (optional): The installer provides various customization
    options. If you're unsure, you can generally accept the default settings.

    5. Complete the installation: Follow the prompts and let the installer complete the
    installation process. It may take a few minutes.

    6. Verify the installation: Open a command prompt (Windows) or terminal (macOS, Linux)
    and type ` python --version ` or ` python3 --version ` (depending on your system) to
    check if Python is installed correctly. You should see the version number printed on the

    Congratulations! You have successfully installed Python on your computer. You can now
    start using Python to write and run your programs.

    If you are confused to install python? Watch the video or search internet(How to install Python)

    2. Pyautogui (package):

  • How to install pyautogui package?
  • go to your code editor and open new terminal. Now write in terminal "pip install pyautogui" (alert: package installation is need to access internet).

    Use pycharm community app because this app is one of the best for coding python. Download Pycharm community app

    How to run code:

  • To run a Python script code in PyCharm, follow these steps:

  • 1. Open PyCharm: Launch the PyCharm IDE on your computer.
    2. Create or open a project: If you have an existing project, open it by selecting "File" >
    "Open" and navigate to the project directory. If you want to create a new project, select
    "File" > "New Project" and follow the prompts to set up a new project.

    3. Create a Python file: Right-click on the project directory in the Project tool window
    (usually located on the left side of the IDE) and select "New" > "Python File". Give the file a
    name and click "OK". This will create a new Python file in your project.

    4. Write your Python code: Open the Python file you just created and write or paste your
    Python script code into it.

    5. Set the run configuration: To run your Python script, you need to set the run
    configuration. Right-click anywhere within the Python file editor and select "Edit
    Configurations". Click the "+" button to create a new configuration and select "Python"
    from the list. Give your configuration a name and specify the script path by clicking the
    "..." button next to the "Script path" field. Select your Python file from the file chooser
    dialog and click "OK" to save the configuration.

    6. Run the script: Now that you have set the run configuration, you can run your
    Python script. Click the green "Run" button located in the toolbar at the top of the IDE.
    Alternatively, you can right-click within the Python file editor and select "Run
    "your_script_name". The Python script will be executed, and the output (if any) will be
    displayed in the Run tool window at the bottom of the IDE.

    That's it! You have successfully run a Python script code in PyCharm. You can modify and re-run
    the script as needed by clicking the "Run" button again.

    Script Code

    To create a PyAutoGUI script for automating messaging on a messenger platform, you can
    follow the steps below:

  • Full code

  • Certainly! Here's an example of a PyAutoGUI script that automates messaging by sending a
    series of predefined messages using the keyboard:

    Make sure to adjust the coordinates (x=500, y=500) to match the position of the input
    field or chat window on your screen. You can use tools like PyGetWindow or PyWin32 to find
    the coordinates programmatically if needed.

    Before running the script, it's recommended to open the chat window or application where
    you want to send the messages and make sure the input field is active.

    Note that automating messaging can have implications on privacy and terms of service of
    the messaging platform you are using. Make sure you are familiar with and comply with the
    platform's policies and guidelines.

  • Full code
  • "Keyword" Not for read!

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